Prof. Haidi Segrada
Academic qualifications
Professional Experiences
AIF (Italian Association of Trainers) certified teacher trainer and project trainer with the teaching area: "Communication and teaching management"
University professional training in "Journalism and techniques of mass communications" - two-year training - achieved at Inter - university center "FOR.COM" in Rome
Higher university training course in "Theories and techniques of educational processes" achieved at Inter - university Center "FOR.COM" in Rome
Professional Training Course: "Family mediation with a systemic approach" achieved at IGEA Institute
University certification - ALIAS Laboratory "Italian as a second language" achieved at Cà Foscari University - Venice
Three-year university certification as "Expert in Child Glottodidactics" achieved at University "La Sapienza" - Rome
Master's degree in "English Language" (equivalent to level C2 of the European Framework) obtained at British Institutes, Milan branch
Master's degree in Counseling achieved at ELFOM - Training and Applications grade 100/100 with honors
Master's Degree in "Journalism and New Media" obtained at Telematic University "Unisupdi" grade 110/110 with honors
Bachelor's Degree in "Communication Sciences" obtained at Telematic University "Unisupdi" grade 110/110
2022 - Present
Pearson Academy Trainer
2020 - Present
FIA Teacher Trainer and member of the FIA Lombardy board of directors
2020 - Present
State elementary school teacher
2017 - Present
President Association "ACA - EDUCAZIONE IN RETE" - Promoter of numerous training and information meetings for the Association "ACA - EDUCAZIONE IN RETE"
2015 - Present
Pedagogical/Didactic/Educational Supervisor
2002 - Present
Trainer and Speaker in Training Courses for Teachers of all levels, moderator in conferences and conventions
2016 - 2018
Adjunct Lecturer - University of Insubri for CIM courses - Communicating and interacting with minors
2016 - 2017
Principal of the Superior Dental Institute of Varese
2002 - 2017
Network coordinator for IMF (Italian Federation of Nursery Schools) schools
1999 - 2020
Preschool teacher and teaching coordinator for several legally recognized peer schools in Training Courses for Teachers of all grades, moderator in conferences and conventions