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What is accreditation?

Accreditation of institutions of higher (tertiary) education is a procedure carried out by the Conseil suisse d'accréditation (CSA), which ensures quality at the institutional level, of courses of study and programs in the Swiss university sector. This procedure is based on the minimum requirements laid down in the Loi fédérale sur l'encouragement des hautes écoles et la coordination dans le domaine suisse des hautes écoles (LEHE) and on the modalities laid down in the Ordonnance du Conseil des hautes écoles pour l'accréditation dans le domaine des hautes écoles.

Does every university school in Switzerland have to be accredited?

In Switzerland, a university school must be accredited under Article 29 of LEHE only if it wishes to use a protected name.

In Switzerland, must the curricula and programs of university schools be accredited?

Accreditation of study cycles and programs is not mandatory. It can be included in institutional accreditation, demonstrating that quality also extends to cycles of study and programs. However, it is not required that such cycles or programs be formally accredited independently.

Is Campus HETG accredited?

Since private institutions are not required to obtain accreditation under LEHE unless they wish to use protected designations, Campus HETG has not applied for accreditation at this time.

Why is Campus HETG not accredited?

As a private institution that does not intend to make use of the protected designations, Campus HETG is not required to apply for accreditation with the CSA, according to Article 29 of LEHE.

Are non-accredited higher education institutions of poor quality?

Accreditation focuses on assuring the quality of a graduate school. Lack of accreditation is not indicative of the quality of the programs offered.

Even if Campus HETG is not accredited, can it still confer academic degrees?

Yes, the right of a university institution to grant degrees does not depend on accreditation, which is primarily concerned with quality assurance and not the authority to confer academic degrees.

What is the value of institutional accreditation for the different purposes of using degrees awarded by Campus HETG?

Accreditation does not directly affect the recognition of degrees for employment or nonacademic purposes, such as access to jobs, participation in public competitions, or registration with Job Centers. For academic purposes, such as continuing studies or obtaining higher university degrees, recognition depends on the legislation of the receiving country, agreements between the Swiss Confederation and other states, or specific agreements between the institutions involved.

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