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Magnificent Rector Antonino Galloni


Professional Experiences


Antonino Galloni graduated in Law in Rome in 1975 at the age of 22. In the following years he lectures at the same University, Faculty of Political Science, with two courses in Contemporary Economic History on the Giolittian Age and Roosevelt's New Deal. To specialize in American Economic History, in 1978, he conducted research in Berkeley (CA) financed by the CNR and under the guidance of Prof. Richard Webster.In 1979 he returned to Italy, where he won a competition for tenured official at the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning. He met Prof. Federico Caffè with whom he began an intense scientific and editorial collaboration. During the 1980s he is an adjunct lecturer: two years at the Catholic University of Milan, then Naples and Modena. He is a member of the OECD's "Ad Hoc Group" on technological innovation in SMEs.Beginning in 1981 he is very active within his Ministry in criticizing monetary policy choices and enjoys a large following in civil society for this commitment; he is seconded to the Ministry of the Treasury to form a think thank (headed by Undersecretary of State Carlo Fracanzani) to understand whether the economic policies decided in those years are obligatory or optional. Having found it difficult to change his country's monetary policies, in 1986 he moved to the Ministry of State Holdings where an attempt was made to set up a garrison to offer resistance to privatization projects, and Undersecretary Angelo Picano appointed him Head of the Technical Secretariat. He returned to the U.S. (Houston), became an industrial executive, and was a board member of important Italian and foreign companies (Agip Coal, Aluminia, Gepi, Fintex co.) but was called back into service by the Andreotti government in 1989 to be appointed Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of the Budget with the aim of changing the country's economic and monetary policy lines. But after a few months, an agreement is reached between Kohl, Mitterand and Andreotti that defines a definitive arrangement for Europe: the renunciation of the mark, support for German reunification, and a downsizing of Italy's industrial and political weight. Galloni then had to leave this post, but was promoted to Director General at the Ministry of Labor: in the 1990s-93s he reorganized its statistical and information system with such success that he was awarded the honor of Grande Ufficiale al Merito della Repubblica and, later, the prestigious post of Director General of Cooperation by Minister Gino Giugni. During the 1990s, he is also an adjunct professor at LUISS in Rome.Ministerial adviser for employment policies until 1999 and chairman of the Technical Committee for the selective investigation of layoffs in large companies, he carries out a very severe critique of the transformation of labor flexibility into precarization. Following this, he had to leave active administration in 2002 to take up delicate supervisory positions in social security agencies: INPDAP (until 2010), INPS (until 2015), INAIL (until retirement on June 1, 2018). Academic Qualifications:1975Four-year degree in Law from the University of Rome on December 5 19751977-1980Practitioner in the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Rome from 1977 to 1980 (his lecture course on the Rooseveltian New Deal was published by Bulzoni Publisher in 1978)1978-1979Researcher at the University of Berkeley (CA) during the academic year 1978-79 under the guidance of Professor Richard Webster. His research - Moments of North American Capitalism 1881-1885, was published in 1979 by Giuffrè Publisher with a contribution from the CNR1981-1986He collaborated with Prof. Federico Caffè of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Rome between 1981 and 1986; the fruit of this collaboration were two publications on technological change and monetary policies and numerous articles summarizing some research on the connection between macroeconomic maneuvers and industrial strategy in the perspective of a growth of internal compatibilities within the capitalist system.1983 Winner of the "Guido Dorso" prize for meridionalism in 19831983-1985Contract professor (supplementary course) for the academic years 1983-84 and 1984-85 at the Chair of Industrial Economics of the Department of Economics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan)1990-1991Contract professor (supplementary course) for the academic year 1990- 1991 at the Chair of Political Economy of the Faculty of Law of the University of Modena1992-1993Contract Professor at the University of Naples for the academic year 1992-931993-1995Contract Professor at LUISS in Rome in the academic years 1993-94 and 1994-95DAL 2019 TO PRESENT Editor of the bimonthly magazine "Economie Parallele" (Court of Rome 28/2019) since March 14, 2019Professional Experience: FROM 1990 TO PRESENT Director General of the Labor Market Observatory - Directorate General of the Ministry of Labor from May 1990 to July 1993Director General of Cooperation - Directorate General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security from July 1993 to November 1996Advisor of the Ministry of Labor for youth employment policies from November 1996 to September 1999Chairman of the Interministerial Committee (of the Directors General of Economy, Labor, of Economic Development) for the selective technical investigation of applications for extraordinary wage supplementation from September 1999 to July 2002Effective Mayor of INPDAP from May 2, 2002 to October 20, 2010Effective Mayor of INPS from October 21, 2010 to August 5, 2015Effective Mayor of INAIL from August 6, 2015 to May 31, 2018DAL 1979 TO 1990Industrial Manager (Breda Ferroviaria - head of strategy office) until May 1990Director of the Study and Documentation Service of INTERSIND from October 1, 1987Italian member of the OECD "ad hoc" group on technological innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises in 1980 and 1981From July 1986 to July 1987 Head of the Secretariat of the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of State Holdings where he also chaired meetings and negotiations between representatives of public companies labor unions and local governments Role Officer at the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning since March 1979, where he worked on industrial strategies in relation to macroeconomic policies and savings formation: Also worked at the Treasury from July 1984 to July 1986 on the same issues.

Over the years Galloni has held several other positions, including: Researcher at the University of Berkeley (California) in 1978.Board Director of FINTEX Corporation (Houston USA) in the years 1986-1988.Directed an Italian economic mission to Madagascar in June-July 1987.Board member of Aluminia (Efim sector head) in the years 1986-1989. Board member of Agip Coal (ENI sector head) in the years 1987-1990.Board member of Nuova SATIN (GEPI group) in the years 1989-1992.Conducted 6 missions to the Democratic Republic of Congo to promote the use of a local complementary currency between February 2008 and August 2010.

- Poverty of Nations-Investigation of its Nature and Causes, attached to nos. 3-4-5-6 of Economie Parallele 2020

- Economy and Polis-nomy: Universal Income, Statonote and Private Finance attached to no. 2 2020 of Economie Parallele, Valenziani Project, Rome- The Other Currency, Womanism and Nature, Arianna Editrice, Geraci Siculo 2019

- The Deception and the Challenge, From Post-Industrial to Post-Capitalist Society, Arianna Editrice, Geraci Siculo 2018- Negative interest rates and full employment: new frontier of monetary and banking theories?, RIVISTA DI Politica economica, nos. X-XII of 2016 (distributed April 2018), pp. 91-117

- Essence and Absence of Money Conflicts, Environment and Means of Payment, Valenziani Project, Rome 2017- Economic Crisis, Money and Collective Consciousness. Scarcity, Capitalism or Communism? Valenziani Project, Rome 2017

- Alkaline Economy and Currency, Valenziani Project, Rome 2016- The Imperfect Economy. Catastrophe of capitalism or revenge of labor?, Novecento Editore, Milan 2015, 5 editions- The future of banking, Lineaments of banking and financial Theory, Eurilink, Rome 2014

- Who betrayed the Italian economy? How to get out of the emergency, Editori Riuniti University Press, Rome 2011 (second edition June 2012 with the subtitle Euro: saving yourself without selling out; third edition June 2013; fourth edition November 2013; fifth edition July 2014)

- Moneta e Società, Edizioni Sì, Cesena 2013

- Eurocide (with Giovanni Passali), Copernico Association, Rome 2013

- Take your money...and run? The end of globalization, Koinè nuove Edizioni, Rome 2010

- The Copernican currency (with M. Della Luna), Nexus Edizioni, Padua 2009

- The Big Mortgage. The deep reasons for the coming financial crisis, Editori Riuniti, Rome 2007

- Mysteries of the euro Misfacts of finance, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) 2005

- After sustainable development, Palomar, Bari 2003

- La rivincita dei temperini, Accademia degli Incolti, Rome 2002

- Are we goods or are we angels?, Euroma, La Goliardica, Rome 2001

- Market without masters - Conditions for socially sustainable development, Ediesse, Rome 2000

- Employment betrayed, Editori Riuniti, Rome 1998

- Handicap, efficiency, work, in: Integration and New Solidarity, Service Coop, Ascoli Piceno 1998

- The Social Enterprise, Liocorno Editori, Rome 1996

- The currency revolution, ISEDI, Turin 1992

- Structure of the economy and prospects for economic policy, Ed. Studium, Rome 1988

- Employment size and enterprise value in the long run, "International Journal of Social Sciences," No. 3, 1988

- Reflections on the divergences between family incomes and wages, Labor Policies, no. 7, 1998

- Economic problems of supply, money and labor, Franco Angeli, Milan 1985

- Industry, society and technological change, Ed. Studium, Rome 1984

- The realm of complexity, "Prometheus," no. 8, November 1984

- From crisis to crisis, "Studium," no. 1, 1983

- Inflation Unemployment: Policies for the 1980s (discussion by F. Caffè - R. Misasi - C. Del Piano - R. Bencivenga around "Crisis and Adaptation; for an Alternative Economic Policy" by N. Galloni), "Itinerari," no. 1, 1982

- Towards a post-Keynesian equilibrium, "Economic Notes," Siena, no. 2, 1981

- Crisis and adaptation: for an alternative economic policy, Bulzoni, Rome 1981

- A few notes on federal intervention in the U.S. economy after the crash of '29, "Economic Notes," no. 5, 1979

- New Deal between Capitalism and Socialism, Contribution to a debate on the history of American capitalism, Bulzoni Editore, Rome 1979

- Moments in North American Capitalism 1881-1885, Giuffré Editore, Milan 1979

- Fall of the profit essay and the U.S. crisis in the 1930s: some annotations, "L'Astrolabio," No. 17, September 1979.


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