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Prof. Peter Dennis Kapsaskis


Peter. D. Kapsaskis is a PhD in Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at Panteion University of Athens. He completed his Bachelor degree in Political Science and History at Panteion University of Athens and then proceeded with his Master (MSc) in Geopolitics and Security at Royal Holloway University of London.

In 2024 he concluded his PhD in Culturale Diplomacy and Soft Power at Panteion University of Athens.

He attended the Italian High School "Vittorio Alfieri" in Rome and continued his high school education in the internationally renowned Italian Institute "Maria Montessori" of Rome.

In 2017 he founded the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy based in Athens. Thenceforth the organization has established eleven branches around the world.

In 2018 he established the Soft Power Awards that will take place in Greece or abroad once a year.

In 2019 he published a text at the collective volume: Issues of Greek Cultural Diplomacy, Sakkoula Publications, Krispi Foundation entitled: Persuasion, influence, seduction, the power of Cultural Diplomacy, Petros D. Kapsaskis.

He speaks Italian, English and French and has worked as a columnist, translator and scientific associate in various companies and research institutes.

He has been awarded from the Mayor of Cambridge with the coat of arms of the City of Cambridge.

Peter Dennis

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