Prof. Gabriele Mencarini
Academic qualifications
Professional Experiences
Ph.D. (Ph.D.) in Computer Security, Private Fernhochschule Alessandro Volta, Zug, Schweiz
Master's degree in Computer Security, Private Fernhochschule Alessandro Volta, Zug, Schweiz
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Private Fernhochschule SUPDI, Zug, Schweiz
2003 - Present
Founder and CEO of "DIEMME Informatica" S.r.l. from Lucca, a company operating in the Educational IT sector.
2017 - Present
DPO "Data Protection Officer" in more than 150 Italian School Institutes and Trainer of Training Courses for Teachers and ATA staff regarding Cyber Security.
1998 - Present
Technical Consultant of Italian School Institutes for the design and management of networks and implementation and management of management and Educational software