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Prof. Michele Tusino

Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences



Doctor of Business Sciences specialization in Occupational Prevention and Safety, SUPDI - PRIVATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL AT A DISTANCE - Zug

Doctor of Business Sciences specialization in Occupational Prevention and Safety - Rated 110 with honors


Machinery and Work Equipment Instructor Course - 20 hours ASA, Association


Course for Data Protection Officer UNI 11697 - 80 hours - M. G. S. MILAN


Expert Technical Auditor Lead Auditor Course Component O.V. D.Lgs. 231/01 - hours 24 Minerva Group Service - Milan


Specialization course in mediation and conciliation - hours 50 - Concilium Italia


Auditor course according to OHSAS 18001 - 40 hours - ISFOP - AIAS Milan


Course Module C - RSPP - 24 hours - AIFOS

Module B course all ATECO sectors - RSPP - 100 hours - AIFOS


CEPAS qualified course - Auditor of quality management systems - 40 hours


Internal auditor according to the new standards (ISO 9001:2000) - F.G.A. Institute.

The environmental management system (ISO 19001) - F.G.A. Institute.


CINEAS Politecnico di Milano Master Loss Adjuster Course - 1 academic year

2018 - Present

Freelancer in Occupational Health and Safety, Principality of Monaco

1982 - 2018

Freelance Consultant with own practice - Milan, Italy

Engineering Company - Civil and Industrial Construction

Insurance Company - Engineering in Insurance

Health and Safety in the Workplace DLGS 626/94 - DLGS 81/08

1975 - 1982

Manager - Polytecna Harris S.p.A. - Engineering Company

1966 - 1975

Technical Draftsman - Dr. Ing. Egone Cegnar - Civil and Industrial Engineering Firm

Provincial Directory of Occupational Safety Experts (Bolzano)

Register with the Ministry of the Interior for Fire Prevention

Register at the Court of Monza

Register of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors of the Province of Monza and Brianza

Certifications (2017 to 2022):

KCB - Italy - RSPP Certificate

KCB - Italy - Certified Teacher Trainer Occupational Safety Trainers

KCB - Italy - Certified Occupational Safety Delivery and Training.

FEDERSICUREZZA ITALIA - Lecturer Trainer Safety at Work - until 2020

FEDERFORMA - Lecturer Trainer Safety at Work - since 2015

National Council of Surveyors and Graduate Surveyors at the Ministry of Justice.


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