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Prof. Christian Lenzi


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences


I am a biologist registered with the Order of Biologists of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta. In addition to freelancing as a nutritionist, I am also the author of popular essays and scientific articles in the biological and naturalistic fields.

For TEDxRovigo I gave a speech entitled "Let's learn from animals to defeat a pandemic."


Master's degree in "Biology (address Nutrition and Environment)," University of Eastern Piedmont


Master's degree in "Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior," University of Turin, Italy


Erasmus - "Alexandre Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi


Bachelor's degree in "Biological Sciences," "La Sapienza" University of Rome

2023 - Present

Biologist Nutritionist - Freelancer - Member of the Order of Biologists of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle D'Aosta (section A no. - in update)


Universal Civil Service - Gesso and Stura River Park

2018 - Present

Co-Founder and Vice-President - ETICOSCIENZA APS, nonprofit association


Wildlife Manager - Kids Saving the Rainforest, Costa Rica - Wildlife Recovery Center Management and Sanctuary Volunteer Coordination


Wildlife Guide - Volunteer - Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary - South Africa

GRASSO C., LENZI C., SPEIRAN S PIRRONE F., 2020 - "Anthropomorphized Nonhuman Animals in Mass Media and Their Influence on Human Attitudes Toward Wildlife," Society and Animals

LENZI C., SPEIRAN S., GRASSO C., 2020 - "Let me take a selfie": reviewing the implications of social media for public perceptions of wild animals

ROBEA M-A., SĂVUCĂ A., STRUNGARU S-A., LENZI C., GRASSO C., PLĂVAN G., CIOBÎCĂ A., NICOARĂ M., 2019 - "The general biological relevance of the oxidative stress status in replicating some neuropsychiatric and digestive-related manifestations in zebrafish," Romanian Biotechnological Letter. DOI: 10.26327/ RBL2019.269

LENZI C., GRASSO C., NICOARĂ M., SAVUCA A., CIOBICĂ A., PLAVAN G-I., STRUNGARU S-A. 2019, - "Influence of environmental colors and long-term sex isolation on zebrafish shoaling behavior". Archives of Biological Sciences, OnlineFirst.

Full list on sites:

Book Publications:

Grasso C. and Lenzi C. "Travel Green In Nature" - Edizioni Sonda - August 2021. ISBN: 9788872240830

Lenzi C. "Beastly Charm. A Praise of Ugly, Dirty, and Bad Animals." - Lindau Editions - November 2021 - ISBN: 9788833537016


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