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Prof. Luis Lattanzio

Professional Titles

Professional Experiences

Master's degree in Law 25.03.2000 University of Urbino Carlo Bo

Master's degree in international commercial law 27.04.2005 Liebniz University

Licenciado en derecho University of Avila (Es)

Experience in civil law, family law and international commercial law.

Aptitude test in Criminal and Civil Law and in Procedural Law at the s.l. Degrenne Academy in Murcia

Diploma German language A1 Goethe Institut in Rome

Qualified experience in insurance law

Qualified experience in immigration law

Member of the Rome Bar Association (IT)

Former member of the Murcia Bar Association (ES)

2005 - 2010

Claims section manager of the law firm's office

Lattanzio office in Rieti (IT) with owner Alberto Lattanzio

2003 - Current

Lawyer owner of the law firm of the same name


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