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Prof. Chiara Grasso


Academic qualifications

Professional Experiences


Chiara Grasso graduated in Psychological Sciences and Techniques at the University of Turin but soon decided to direct her studies towards the interaction between Nature and Humankind by obtaining a Master's Degree in "Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior," also at the same University.

Subsequently and up to the present, she has dedicated herself to scientific and educational outreach for the proper interaction between humans and animals by founding the "ETHICSCIENCE - Environmental Education Association," which provides information and Courses on ethology, environmental sustainability and education, animal welfare, environmental nutrition and numerous other related topics.

He conducts research and volunteer work in the field. He gave a speech for TEDxRovigo entitled "What they don't tell you about tourism with animals."

Together with Prof. Christian Lenzi, she is the author of scientific publications and a book entitled: "Travel Green In Nature" - Edizioni Sonda - August 2021


GSTC Sustainable Tourism Certification - Global Sustainable Tourism Council

2020 - 2021

Master's degree in "Environmental Education and Sustainable Development," Niccolò Cusano University


Walking Safari (FGASA theoretical guide trails), Ulovane Environmental Training, South Africa


Safari guide (FGASA field guide), Ulovane Environmental Training, South Africa

2015 - 2017

Master's degree in "Evolution of Animal and Human Behavior" (Ethology - ECAU), University of Turin - Faculty of Natural Sciences


Erasmus Traineeship Department of Ethology and Animal Welfare of CEU University - Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Valencia (Spain) - Internship at Bioparc and Oceanographic for animal welfare assessment

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's degree in "Psychological Sciences and Techniques" - University of Turin - Department of Psychology

2013 - 2014

Erasmus Studio - Universidad Complutense UCM, Madrid (Spadna) - Department of Psychology - Examinations and courses in pedagogy and social psychology; Supporting Pet Therapy activities and Supporting disabled children

2022 - Present

Freelance journalist at "La Zampa" (La Stampa editorial - GEDI group)

2021 - 2022

Member CDA - Board of Directors - Foundation of the Biopark of Rome

2020 - 2021

Content creator and speaker for Wild Angle column - LifeGate


Manager and Owner - B&B Naturin, Lauriano (TO)

2020 - Present

Lecturer on ethical tourism with animals for the Master of Sustainable Tourism - ACT Creative Academy of Tourism

2020 - Present

Disseminator - "The Nature Magazine"

2020 - Present

Disclosure - Carabinieri Corps - Magazine #Nature

2018 - Present

Founder, President, Ethologist and Educator - "ETICOSCIENZA - Environmental Education Association," Turin


Environmental educator, science popularizer and event organizer - Gesso and Stura River Park (River House), Cuneo

2017 - 2018

Nature guide - Monkeyland free roaming sancutuary, Cape Town (South Africa)


Nature Guide and Environmental Educator - Kids Saving the Rainforest, Quepos (Costa Rica)


Scientific researcher - Volunteer - Putna-Vrancea Nature Park - Agigea Marine Zoological Station, Romania

GRASSO C., LENZI C., SPEIRAN S PIRRONE F., 2020 - "Anthropomorphized Nonhuman Animals in Mass Media and Their Influence on Human Attitudes Toward Wildlife", Society and Animals

LENZI C., SPEIRAN S., GRASSO C., 2020 - "Let me take a selfie": reviewing the implications of social media for public perceptions of wild animals

ROBEA M-A., SĂVUCĂ A., STRUNGARU S-A., LENZI C., GRASSO C., PLĂVAN G., CIOBÎCĂ A., NICOARĂ M., 2019 - "The general biological relevance of the oxidative stress status in replicating some neuropsychiatric and digestive-related manifestations in zebrafish," Romanian Biotechnological Letter. DOI: 10.26327/ RBL2019.269

LENZI C., GRASSO C., NICOARĂ M., SAVUCA A., CIOBICĂ A., PLAVAN G-I., STRUNGARU S-A. 2019, - "Influence of environmental colors and long-term sex isolation on zebrafish shoaling behavior". Archives of Biological Sciences, OnlineFirst.

LENZI C., GRASSO C., NICOARĂ M., SAVUCA A., CIOBICĂ A., PLAVAN G-I., STRUNGARU S-A. 2019, - "Influence of environmental colors and long-term sex isolation on zebrafish shoaling behavior". Archives of Biological Sciences, OnlineFirst.

Book Publications:

Grasso C. and Lenzi C. "Travel Green In Nature" - Edizioni Sonda - August 2021. ISBN: 9788872240830


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