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Prof. Alessandro Abrignani


Professional Titles

Professional Experiences

President of the Ancient Mediterranean Archaeological Association (A.A.M.A.), 19 rue du Musée 13001 Marseille

Member of the team of Le Projet de récupération urbanistique et mise en valeurde la zone archéologique du “Monument circulaire,triconque et basilique chrétienne” (Carthage, Tunisia).

Documentation of materials, study of topography with QGis software and analysis of wall structures tramitefotomodelling 3D (Photoscan, Meshlab).

PhD in Christian Archaeology Specialization in “Topography of the Orbis Christianus Antiquus.”

Title of thesis: “The Christian topography of the ancient diocese of Lilybaeum (Marsala) from its origins to Gregory the Great.”

Supervisor: Prof. Ph. Pergola - Co-Rapporteur: Prof. G. Falzone

Qualification awarded Dec. 13,2022 (Rated: Cum laude probatus)

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology (Vatican City).

Archaeologist in possession of the requirements of the I fascia of the National List of Archaeologists as established by L.110del 22-07-2014 and D.M. 244 of 20-05-2019.

Archaeological excavations and missions

August 2022:

Preliminary work for the planned maintenance of the archaeological area of Capo Boeo (project “Cantieri di Lilibeo”), incollaboration with the Archaeological Park of Lilybaeum-Marsala (TP).

September 2020:

Emergency excavation inside cubicle 4 in the archaeological area of “Il Complesso dei Niccolini, in collaboration with theParco archeologico di Lilibeo-Marsala (TP).

September 2019:

Participation, through scholarship, in the archaeological excavation of the Basilica of Son Peretó, Manacor (Majorca, Balearic Islands).

July 2019:

Participation in the archaeological excavation of S. Maria di Pietrarossa, Trevi (PG).

June 2017.

:Participation in the archaeological excavation of Capo Don (Costa Balenae), Riva Ligure (IM).

October - November 2014:

Participation in the archaeological excavation of San Leucio, Canosa di Puglia (BAT).

October - November 2013:

Participation in the archaeological excavation of Macchiagrande (Veio) (RM).

August - September 2011:

Participation in the archaeological excavation of Mothia, San Pantaleo (TP).

August 2009 and 2010:

Participation in the archaeological excavation of Pietrabbondante (IS).

Annual course in Archival Studies.

(October 2021 - May 2022)

Vatican School of Diplomatic Paleography and Archivistics Cortile del Belvedere, 00120 Vatican City.

General and Specific Training Course Workers High Risk.

(October 2020)

CM Formazione & Consulenza S.r.l. Viale G. Marconi, 35, 00078 Monte Porzio Catone (RM)

Issuance of certifications.

QGIS Open source school Una_quantum basic course.

(November 2017 - January 2018)

Knowledge of Pyarchinit. Introduction to GIS and learning about the Open Source software QGIS.

Millepiani Coworking (Via Nicolò Odero, 13, 00154 Rome).

Issuance of certificate of attendance.

Instrumentum Domesticum Diploma.

(March 2017)

Subjects of study: Glass, Archaeological Methodology, Glazed Ceramics, Transport Containers, Photographyof Archaeological Finds, African Seals and Oil Lamps, Marbles.

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology.

Issuance of certificate of attendance.

Propaedeutic year for the Ph.

(Academic Year 2016/2017)

Subjects of study: Christian Archaeology, Introduction to Ancient Christian Architecture, The Paleo-Christian Churches of Rome, Propaedeutics to the Study of Ancient Christian Cemeteries, Ancient Christian Cemeteries,Christian Iconography, Ancient Christian Epigraphy, Patrology, Church History, Hagiography and Liturgy,Legislation of Cultural Heritage, Museology, Christian Topography of Rome, Methodology and Archaeological Field Research, Classical and Christian Topography.

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology

Master's Degree in Archaeology (LM-2).

(November 2014 - January 2016)

Qualification obtained: Master's Degree in Archaeology, grade 110/110 cum laude.

Doctorate in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces with experimental thesis entitled: "Colonia Septimia Vaga.

Archaeological-historical analysis of a city of the Africa Proconsularis"

Supervisor: Prof. Emanuela Borgia - co-rapporteur: Prof. Gianluca Gregori

La Sapienza University of Rome

Special Course of Initiation in Christian Antiquities.

(November 2013 - March 2014)

Study of the fundamental problems related to the various disciplines pertaining to Christian archaeology, with particular regard to the sources, urban allatopography, iconography, epigraphy; visits to basilicas, catacombs and museum collections in Rome.

Issuance of certificate of attendance with grade.

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology.

Participation in the Seminar: Journalism - from Paper to the Web.

(June 2013) Editorial Staff (Head: Dr. Silvia Buffo).

Issuance of certificate of attendance.

Bachelor's Degree in Archaeological and Historical Sciences of the Classical and Oriental World.

(September 2007 - March 2013)

Qualification obtained: Bachelor's Degree in Archaeological Sciences of the Classical and Eastern World, grade 100/110.

Doctorate in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces with thesis entitled: "Amphitheater games represented in the mosaics of the Africa Proconsularis."

Supervisor: Prof. Paola Finocchi

Sapienza University of Rome

September 2023

Archaeological site for the recovery of the early Christian funerary site of the “Complesso dei Niccolini”(Marsala, TP), in collaboration with the Regional Archaeological Park of Lilybaeum - Marsala

February 2023 - ongoing

Coordination of excavation projects and archaeological surveillance at Arch Nova S.r.l.s. (Viale Ammiragliodel Bono, 3 , Rome)

May 2020 - ongoing

Coordination of excavation projects and archaeological surveillance at SI.RA. Archaeology SRLS (GuidoniaMontecelio - RM)

May - September 2019

Condominium administration secretary at Studio Abrignani SAS (Marsala - TP)


Archives assistant at the Convent of the Order of Minims (San Francesco di Paola), Parish ofSant'Andrea delle Fratte (Rome)

2015 - 2016

Clerk and sales assistant at Libreria S. Agostino (Rome)


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